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Docebo's Go Learn App and Branded Mobile App

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Hi Colin, 

With the app, can a user purcahses courses?



  • Author
  • Docebian
  • 35 replies
  • June 9, 2022

@colinfarrelly88  Currently within the Apple Store the Branded and Go.Learn Apps do not support courses being purchased. Learners can purchase courses on the desktop and access/complete purchased courses on the App.

@colin.schott thank you so much for the quick reply, our issue is people come to our site to buy a course and then they are prompted to downlaod an app, they download the app thinking they will now be able to buy the course when they cant, its a litte annoying. Do you reckon mobile phones would work ok without the app?



  • Author
  • Docebian
  • 35 replies
  • June 9, 2022

@colinfarrelly88 Using the Safari/Chrome browser to go directly into your platform would work as it is not part of the App.

@colin.schott  While users buying courses is a small part of our area, users are mainly enrolled into courses by us and do not have to buy courses,  they too would use their phone for doing courses.Would gettitng rid of mobile app and use safari or chrome instead,  affect the quality, user functions, tracking and course completions?



  • Author
  • Docebian
  • 35 replies
  • June 9, 2022

@colinfarrelly88 Nothing that we have reported nor would we expect to have a difference between the two?

@colin.schott oh great we might get rid of the app then so, but if this is the case what is the benefit of the app if its a littel annoying for theuser to download, find url  and log into? Also thank you so much for your quick response and help

Helper II
  • Helper II
  • 134 replies
  • June 23, 2022
colin.schott wrote:

@lhubbard  I was not clear on the Google Analytics piece. This does require the use of Firebase; however you would need to purchase the branded mobile app in order to use Firebase with your branded mobile app. Also you would need to gain access to Google Big Query, to aggregate your desktop population and your mobile population. I believe Google will charge you for this access. That would allow you to accomplish your requirement. From an out of the box perspective the Custom reports for User-Courses does have three fields that you can access: % of training material from the mobile app,   Time in training material from Mobile App, and Training Material access from Mobile App. This could provide you with some data to evaluate your mobile usage.

Hi @colin.schott , 


Loving that I can have some analytics from the courses and this is really useful. I was wondering if there was any way to tell if someone has accessed an asset from the mobile site?

Guide II
  • Guide II
  • 908 replies
  • July 14, 2022

gmail “sso” plugin works fine in go.learn but crashes in branded mobile app

I’m not the only customer with this issue.

  • Author
  • Docebian
  • 35 replies
  • July 14, 2022

@lrodman I would recommend opening a support ticket for Docebo to look at this issue.

Novice I


I’m looking for a comparison of available features/capabilities between Browser and Go Learn app. Also what’s the roadmap for Go Learn app. 

Helper II
  • Helper II
  • 147 replies
  • October 31, 2022
krzysztof.walder wrote:


I’m looking for a comparison of available features/capabilities between Browser and Go Learn app. Also what’s the roadmap for Go Learn app. 

I’d like to see this differences document, and the Docebo mobile road map as well.

Our users generally find the go.learn app is confusing to set up properly, so we are referring them to Safari or Chrome on their device.  

Before we licensed Docebo, I evaluated several LMS vendors who have stopped developing their apps in favor of a browser-based approach. 

Guide II
  • Guide II
  • 908 replies
  • October 31, 2022
billso wrote:
krzysztof.walder wrote:


I’m looking for a comparison of available features/capabilities between Browser and Go Learn app. Also what’s the roadmap for Go Learn app. 

I’d like to see this differences document, and the Docebo mobile road map as well.

Our users generally find the go.learn app is confusing to set up properly, so we are referring them to Safari or Chrome on their device.  

Before we licensed Docebo, I evaluated several LMS vendors who have stopped developing their apps in favor of a browser-based approach. 

I’d love to see this comparison.


How is go.learn hard to set up? The login and domain aspect? We’re using branded mobile and bypassing that. So far so good. Publishing to the apple store was a B** and a half. As in Boo! Happy halloween.


Docebo DOES seem to be making a legitimate good faith effort to bring a piece of browser-docebo to the apps each month. Sometimes it’s things that seem low value to me personally.

Helper II
  • Helper II
  • 147 replies
  • October 31, 2022
lrodman wrote:
billso wrote:
krzysztof.walder wrote:


I’m looking for a comparison of available features/capabilities between Browser and Go Learn app. Also what’s the roadmap for Go Learn app. 

I’d like to see this differences document, and the Docebo mobile road map as well.

Our users generally find the go.learn app is confusing to set up properly, so we are referring them to Safari or Chrome on their device.  

Before we licensed Docebo, I evaluated several LMS vendors who have stopped developing their apps in favor of a browser-based approach. 

I’d love to see this comparison.


How is go.learn hard to set up? The login and domain aspect? We’re using branded mobile and bypassing that. So far so good. Publishing to the apple store was a B** and a half. As in Boo! Happy halloween.


Docebo DOES seem to be making a legitimate good faith effort to bring a piece of browser-docebo to the apps each month. Sometimes it’s things that seem low value to me personally.

That’s a great point. I initially thought the Docebo app setup would present no major problems. Many of our users have limited tech skills. For example, we often have to explain how the shift key is important when creating passwords. A significant number of our users use a primary language other than English. There are many possibilities for confusion, and its easier to direct users to our doceboSAAS URL or the link on our employee web site. 

Guide II
  • Guide II
  • 908 replies
  • October 31, 2022
billso wrote:
lrodman wrote:
billso wrote:
krzysztof.walder wrote:


I’m looking for a comparison of available features/capabilities between Browser and Go Learn app. Also what’s the roadmap for Go Learn app. 

I’d like to see this differences document, and the Docebo mobile road map as well.

Our users generally find the go.learn app is confusing to set up properly, so we are referring them to Safari or Chrome on their device.  

Before we licensed Docebo, I evaluated several LMS vendors who have stopped developing their apps in favor of a browser-based approach. 

I’d love to see this comparison.


How is go.learn hard to set up? The login and domain aspect? We’re using branded mobile and bypassing that. So far so good. Publishing to the apple store was a B** and a half. As in Boo! Happy halloween.


Docebo DOES seem to be making a legitimate good faith effort to bring a piece of browser-docebo to the apps each month. Sometimes it’s things that seem low value to me personally.

That’s a great point. I initially thought the Docebo app setup would present no major problems. Many of our users have limited tech skills. For example, we often have to explain how the shift key is important when creating passwords. A significant number of our users use a primary language other than English. There are many possibilities for confusion, and its easier to direct users to our doceboSAAS URL or the link on our employee web site. 

Ours aren’t QUITE that limited in tech skills, though I’m always surprised how many people want to call vs zoom for IT support.

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 439 replies
  • November 1, 2022

Very few of our users access on mobile and the few that do seem to be happy using Safari or Chrome. I know Docebo recommends using the app, but what are the main advantages of the app over a mobile browser?

Guide II
  • Guide II
  • 908 replies
  • November 1, 2022

Offline. That’s all IMO. And that’s of minimal use. 

I would normally say it avoids ugly titlebars and letterboxing, but IMO a those are worse in the app…

Contributor II

Is more than one app need for multi-language support with the branded mobile app?

If we have a single app where users drop into Root but two different languages, what are the considerations?

Or it is just cleaner to manage multiple language support with two different apps?

  • Author
  • Docebian
  • 35 replies
  • November 1, 2022

@jessica.sanderson Not required, for multi-language support. The app should display the language the user has selected. Having several branded apps allows you to have different branding and support EE options.

We are looking to hopefully launch the Mobile Branded App in the next 12 months or so but before we sign and take the plunge we’d really like to talk to a team who have already launched. Our AM is putting out the feelers internally but also suggested we reach out on the Community. 

We’d really like to understand how the onboarding and launch went, what ongoing administration is like, lessons learnt/what you’d do differently, what benefits the app has brought to your learners and possibly give a demo!

We’d be really appreciative for anybody who is willing to help! :) 

Helper II
  • Helper II
  • 87 replies
  • August 22, 2023

Not sure if this is still being watched.. but if I use a token with one name before publishing (while my boss is on vacation this week) and she comes back and decides we need to change the name would we be able to do that? 


I want to use the token and get us as far as we can before calling in IT. But I’m nervous to use a token with one name and then need to change the name and not be able to… 

Helper II
  • Helper II
  • 87 replies
  • October 26, 2023

I have stupid questions …. are there any guidelines beyond this page here”


On how to set up the App for the App store…. 


I’m feeling a little frustrated because the app store needs information from docebo, which I can’t seem to get from docebo without getting information from the app store… 


Also, I’d love some guidance on setting up the privacy details for the docebo app ….  for example the data collection… does the app collect data?


I am sure this is mostly user error and unfamiliarity… but any help would be appreciated


Helper II
  • Helper II
  • 87 replies
  • November 17, 2023

Stupid question: how do you answer about user data for Google Play and Apple Developer? 

Helper II
  • Helper II
  • 87 replies
  • December 8, 2023
sfrost wrote:

Stupid question: how do you answer about user data for Google Play and Apple Developer? 

I found the answer here for google Play -


Although that documentation is wrong because it says name, email, username are not collected then it says to answer that they are collected in the form. So someone @Docebo should probably update this documentation if possible. 

Helper II
  • Helper II
  • 87 replies
  • December 8, 2023

Also question for you @colin.schott The instructions for Google Play tell you to resign the app but when I resigned the app and uploaded the app to Google Play, Google Play wouldn’t accept it because the key did not match the one that was in the Google Play account. 


I uploaded it without resigning and it seems to have worked. It’s ugly but I think that’s because I didn’t customize the mobile settings yet, but I was able to login and poke around and things seem to work as expected.


Why do I need to resign the App for Google Play? And if I have to resign the app, how do I get Google Play to accept it when the SHA doesn’t match? 


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