Hey @gcrawford88, our product team is working on a solution to allow Javascript being added to the platform (on a case-by-case basis), which would allow you to embed tools like Intercom. Its’ not quite ready yet, but it might be worth getting in touch with your CX in a couple of months. If you have any questions in the meantime, don’t hesitate to reach out!
Hi @ryan.s ,
I see that this is a bit of an old post but has any progress been made on this.
@ryan.s Also wondering if we’re going to get an update on this?
I’m currently at a loss understanding how a functioning feature on the platform isn’t currently available for customers. This original post is 2 years old and it’s still not working?
There’s even a page dedicated to it on the sales side: https://www.docebo.com/products/connect/intercom/
So how is this not yet made available?