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I wondering if anyone can help or advise….

We've set up a course equivalency between 3 courses. 

1 course is the source and the other 2 courses are the targets.

When we put the 2 courses that are the targets into a learning plan learners who have completed the source course are not being marked as complete.

Would anyone know why?


What we are doing is changing content in the learning plans and we don't want learners who have completed the learning plan to take the new courses.


Hoping someone can help or advise.




Hi @AntRich76,


have you check if your learners are enrolled to each course? When you use equivalences, the learner should be enrolled in the Source and also in the Targets.

Hi @eleonora.maggioni 

Thanks for replying.

So we have the learners enrolled onto the source course and the target courses are part of the learning plan. When we enrol the learners onto the learning plan, they are then enrolled onto the target courses so shouldn’t they get marked as complete?  At the moment they are staying as ‘enrolled’ which doesn’t seem correct.


Any ideas why?




hi @AntRich76,

I can confirm you that your procedure is correct, when the learner is enrolled in the learning plan the target courses should be marked as completed. I can suggest you to check which is the course target and which is the course source, and if it is all correct you could open a ticket with Docebo to check which is the issue.




@AntRich76 I have been looking into this topic this week and was told that it does not work retroactively. So those user who have already completed the sources will just be “Enrolled” in the target and it will not complete it (Which is what I am experiencing). Support said the Equivalency has to be set up first then the course completion at the Source level to see it at the target and provided this KA and text:



It would be really nice if Equivalencies worked retroactively and solve some Learning Plan update needs! Let me know if you find anything else on this topic or know of an idea for this!

Interesting. I assume you could create a shell course (new source) and enrol all those learners who already completed the (old) source code. After setting up the dependency you can mark mass completion for those learners in the new source course and that should work? At least that’s the only thing I can think of to somehow fix this.
