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🏆 June 2022: Week 1 Results

🏆 June 2022: Week 1 Results

These results are from the week of May 30 - June 3


June is here and so are the results from the first week! Take a look at the top 5 leaderboard, the number of new members we welcomed and all those that took their rank to another level 👇👇👇


:checkered_flag:The top 5 from the leaderboard last week were:

  1. @lrnlab
  2. @gstager      
  3. @dklinger 
  4. @Annarose.Peterson                 
  5. @aswartz 🆕            

Our top 4 leaders are no strangers to the weekly leaderboard and the top 2 are both Docebo Community Hero’s 🦸 Joining the crew for the very first time was @aswartz! So nice to have you! Congratulations everyone 👏


:wave: Welcome to our newest members

With the Memorial Day holiday in the 🇺🇸 last Monday, we lost a day in our weekly joins therefore we didn’t hit our weekly goal of 50 but we still said hello to 33 new members last week! Will this be the week we hit 3000 members? If we hit our weekly goal, it.will.happen!


:trophy: Leveling Up

In our short week, we had 15 members level up and a few of them accepted my challenge from the week before, leveling up for a second consecutive week. Check them out!


NEW Rank (8)

 👉 Novice

 👉 Contributor










@Ameline Nussbaumer 


Within Rank (7)

I 👉 II








Contributor @abhijeet.dalvi  @Gary Jarvis   
Guide   @Annarose.Peterson   


Congrats 🙌 You all deserve this special recognition. And an extra shoutout 🗣 to @sharireisch, @aswartz and @lrodman as they each accepted my challenge and ranked up for a second consecutive week! Who’s going for a third? 


🏎 Off to the races this week is @dklinger @avega @aswartz @mamh951 and @TracieDarden. Who will hold on to a top spot? Will YOU make it into the top 5 or level up this week? The friendly competition is on ⏳


For all our new members (or anyone in need of a refresher), check out this post that explains points and badges in the community!


[Last week’s results: May 2022: Week 4]

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