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New Usage Dashboard MAU report

  • Influencer I
  • 60 replies

Howdy all!

Anyone else baffled by the changes to the MAU downloadable report within the new Usage dashboard?

Once the report had been located that is, hidden away within usage data history > toggle data table > request report… (we’ll get to this later). Upon finally opening the report it was disconcerting to find that the data fields have been significantly changed and, in some cases, condensed, replaced or removed entirely (!) Not great when you rely on standard activity data points for your stakeholder reporting. 

As the data within this report has been significantly changed without any warning or context from Docebo, would be good to get the community thoughts and insight on the below:


- what does this field indicate: first course access date or last course access date?

- why has this been squashed into an unreadable string inside a single field? Previous report had first and last access dates neatly separated into two distinct fields. 

- what does this reference? (This does not correlate to course code or unique course id)

- we have a lot of 'n/a' results for this data point, despite users engaging with course content, what causes this n/a result? 



- What does this data point reference? 

- In our data, in every instance TRUE = domain and content_id = 'n/a', what is the relationship between these data points? 


- why has the branch path been removed from this field? (e.g. previous report provided  root > branch > sub-branch). This change significantly affects filtering and analysis. 


What is the purpose of the 'is_docebo_content' and 'content_id' fields? Can anyone provide example use cases for these?


Overall, is anyone else experiencing the navigation/process for finding and downloading this new report is much more laborious and convoluted? Superadmins now have to make double the amount of clicks to 'request' a deanonymised usage report download by entering their email address every time this report is required? Then the lag time to wait for this to hit the inbox?? 


Any insight or use case stories from fellow Docebo Superadmins regarding the above would be welcome. 

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July 20, 2023

Thank you all for your feedback.


We've been monitoring feedback from all channels and have been hard at work to scope a number of improvements to the Usage Dashboard, which we've outlined in this post:



We encourage you to share any additional feedback and questions by replying to this new post.


We'll be closing this post for further comments in order to centralize feedback.

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10 replies

  • Helper II
  • 92 replies
  • July 4, 2023

I couldn’t even find the report, so well done!

I would love to see answers to this, as I too used to rely on this report a lot.


@GRuss, you make some excellent points regarding the changes to the Usage dashboard.

Where is the report?

It takes many more clicks to get to the information you wish to view and is not clear that the ‘View’ field needs to be switched to ‘Table’ in order to download a report.

The invoices are easily accessible at the bottom of the Usage dashboard, but quite frankly, it’s not the first thing I’m looking for on this page!

Active Users

I don’t mind the icon change from ‘Active Users’ to ‘Usage dashboard’, but miss being able to see at a glance how many active users are logged in. Can this be added as a hover function?


First access date and last login date need to be reintroduced


It’s a shame this field was removed, as it was useful to identify which branches were accessing Docebo more often in comparison to others


Can username, first name, last name be reintroduced, otherwise the only useful thing in the report would be a total number of active users and nothing else.



  • Author
  • Influencer I
  • 60 replies
  • July 4, 2023

@Maz @joanne.gerard  I have also submitted an ‘idea’ for original MAU report data fields and functionality reinstatement. Do feel free to add additional requirements/comments to this.


  • Author
  • Influencer I
  • 60 replies
  • July 5, 2023

Hello all, I have now received some enlightenment regarding the altered MAU report from Docebo tech support:

datetime - confirmed as the last access date. Not clear from the field header and remains as an unreadable string. 

content_id - this is the granular training material ID (also called LO ID or Learning Object ID), last accessed by the user. Not clear from the field header.

is_docebo_content - indicates whether content accessed has been acquired from Docebo Marketplace. 


No insight provided regarding the decision behind the changes, lack of communication or potential for reinstating the old MAU fields. 

I have received some feedback from Docebo and they have confirmed if you enter your email against the option Ask for de-anonymised CSV file, this will send a report including the following fields:

datetime (last access date)

user_id (user name)

course_id (course name)

branches (branch)

Novice III
  • Novice III
  • 27 replies
  • July 5, 2023
joanne.gerard wrote:

I have received some feedback from Docebo and they have confirmed if you enter your email against the option Ask for de-anonymised CSV file, this will send a report including the following fields:

datetime (last access date)

user_id (user name)

course_id (course name)

branches (branch)

Having to do all of these extra steps to enter my email address, request a download, wait for the report to render, download the file, then open it in Excel has increased what used to be a 10 second operation to now take way too long.  None of the changes with this new Usage Dashboard are helpful at all! 

  • Helper II
  • 92 replies
  • July 5, 2023

Surely the platform should already know who is logged in….?

Influencer I
GRuss wrote:

Hello all, I have now received some enlightenment regarding the altered MAU report from Docebo tech support:

datetime - confirmed as the last access date. Not clear from the field header and remains as an unreadable string. 

content_id - this is the granular training material ID (also called LO ID or Learning Object ID), last accessed by the user. Not clear from the field header.

is_docebo_content - indicates whether content accessed has been acquired from Docebo Marketplace. 


No insight provided regarding the decision behind the changes, lack of communication or potential for reinstating the old MAU fields. 

In my reports there are a lot of records with True in “is_docebo_content”, but we are not using any content from Docebo Marketplace…. 

I agree with most of the above! Looks better but doesn’t necessarily work better I’m afraid. 


Update to the branching reporting is a strange one that I really don’t understand and now makes it impossible for us to report on internal branching unless we change our naming conventions. 


I’ve been told “like this is now meant to only show the specific branch the user belongs to and not the full branch path as it used to show.

They've taken the feedback on board and further updates will be shared soon - hoping this is added back in.”

  • Former Docebian
  • 594 replies
  • July 20, 2023
Pinned reply

Thank you all for your feedback.


We've been monitoring feedback from all channels and have been hard at work to scope a number of improvements to the Usage Dashboard, which we've outlined in this post:



We encourage you to share any additional feedback and questions by replying to this new post.


We'll be closing this post for further comments in order to centralize feedback.

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