Howdy all!
Anyone else baffled by the changes to the MAU downloadable report within the new Usage dashboard?
Once the report had been located that is, hidden away within usage data history > toggle data table > request report… (we’ll get to this later). Upon finally opening the report it was disconcerting to find that the data fields have been significantly changed and, in some cases, condensed, replaced or removed entirely (!) Not great when you rely on standard activity data points for your stakeholder reporting.
As the data within this report has been significantly changed without any warning or context from Docebo, would be good to get the community thoughts and insight on the below:
- what does this field indicate: first course access date or last course access date?
- why has this been squashed into an unreadable string inside a single field? Previous report had first and last access dates neatly separated into two distinct fields.
- what does this reference? (This does not correlate to course code or unique course id)
- we have a lot of 'n/a' results for this data point, despite users engaging with course content, what causes this n/a result?
- What does this data point reference?
- In our data, in every instance TRUE = domain and content_id = 'n/a', what is the relationship between these data points?
- why has the branch path been removed from this field? (e.g. previous report provided root > branch > sub-branch). This change significantly affects filtering and analysis.
What is the purpose of the 'is_docebo_content' and 'content_id' fields? Can anyone provide example use cases for these?
Overall, is anyone else experiencing the navigation/process for finding and downloading this new report is much more laborious and convoluted? Superadmins now have to make double the amount of clicks to 'request' a deanonymised usage report download by entering their email address every time this report is required? Then the lag time to wait for this to hit the inbox??
Any insight or use case stories from fellow Docebo Superadmins regarding the above would be welcome.