I’ve been going back and forth on how to manage this scenario. I am looking to create an evaluation of sorts to test for knowledge using open ended questions and should allow for the learner to utilize free form text capabilities to provide an answer. My goal here is to send the evaluation to all learners, they provide their answers and then 1 person will review all learner’s responses (we have a small company). The reviewer in this scenario is not set up as a PU or anything other than a learner at the moment, but could be if it the easiest and most logical way. Having the reviewer able to provide feedback would be extremely helpful.
- Use a Test - create a test, enroll all users and edit the reviewer to be a super admin so they can review the responses?
- Use an Assignment - Sounds like the learner would upload the completed test but would I have to make the reviewer an instructor or again a SU? As an instructor, would this have to be an ILT?
- An observation checklist - this seems to be the most logical but it also states specifically in one of the courses that this shouldn’t be utilized as a replacement for tests - see image below.

At the end of the day, I’m extremely confused on the best way to manage this. The end user/learner experience is the most important aspect. Any help and guidance is much appreciated.
Thank you!