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One month down, eleven more to go! 🗓️ It’s finally February, and it’s time to see who started this month with a bang 💥 Our weekly results can be found below, and remember to check out the 📌 ICYMI section to see what happened over the last week!


:checkered_flag: Top 5 Leaderboard:

  Member Weekly Points
1 @lrnlab 


2 @Bfarkas  518
3 @lrodman           507
4 @KMallette  131
5 @Annarose.Peterson           115



It looks like @lrnlab pulled ahead this week! @Bfarkas and @lrodman are close behind, each with over 500 points! 🎉 Congratulations goes out to them as well as @KMallette and @Annarose.Peterson, the latter of whom has retained a spot on the leaderboard since last week. ⭐️ And welcome back to the Top 5 @KMallette! It looks like competition is fierce. Keep an eye on those leaderboards this week to see who pulls ahead next 😉


:wave: Welcome to our newest members

Last week 60 new members joined our community. Welcome 👋 We’re excited to get to know you, so if you’re haven’t already, take a look through our Guide for New Members that outlines our Community Guidelines. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a direct message.


:trophy: Leveling Up

Last week, 14 members upped their rank. 😄 Keep it up, everyone!


NEW Rank (12)     👉 Novice 👉 Contributor 👉 Influencer










Within Rank (11) I 👉 II II 👉 III




@Kristi Jarvis 






Helper   @lrodman 


A hearty congratulations to everyone, what a great week! There are a few shoutouts this week for those who really made an 💥 impact 💥:

  • Can you believe ALL of our new Novices this week are brand new to the community? 😲 Congrats to @kphipps, @ajblack, and @missmandiann for making it to Novice I in their first week!
  • Let’s also give a pat on the back to @hwolfehall and @christopherIRI for ranking up two weeks in a row! 


It’s a new week, and the leaderboard is up for grabs! Who will be victorious this week? :trophy: @Bfarkas is leading the pack for now, with @JenWadsworth, @Kristi Jarvis, @lhubbard, and this week’s winner @lrnlab behind him... but only time will tell who might overtake them!



It’s finally happened… The *NEW* label has been taken off the ICYMI section! 😱 Sometimes change is good, however, and we hope this section has helped you discover all the most recent goings on in the community. 



The Docebo Community Health Survey went out last week, and we’re still looking for your feedback! If you haven’t already, please click below to learn more:

January’s Community Check-in also came out, a must-see for anyone who feels they’ve missed out this past month:



Yet another guide from @Bfarkas was released last week, continuing his series on how to leverage API to make your life as an admin easier.

Product Research & Design*

Have you given feedback on these posts? If not, now is your chance to make your voice heard!



*Please note: you must be a registered member of the community in order to access these posts. 



6Last week’s post: JAN 23-27]


For all our new members (or anyone in need of a refresher), if you aren’t sure what it takes to level up, check out this community post that explains points and badges

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