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How to correctly use the list in the "Digest: new content in followed channels" notification??

Guide II

I’ve been using the enrollment digest with a list of items successfully but we recently started using more channels and I would like to set up the notification for “Digest: new content in followed channels.”

I know I need to use the [items] [/items] codes to set what to display for each new content, but how best do you use the other short codes for this particular notification?  If possible, I’d like to display the content name (with link), as well as the channel that it appears on.  Is this doable? 

How are you using the short codes on this one?  The current options are:

  • [new_content_count]
  • [channels]
  • [channel_name]
  • [items]
  • [content_name]
  • [content_type]
  • [uploader_name]
  • [followed_channels_url]

8 replies

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 4829 replies
  • July 31, 2023

As long as you wrap all the text and short codes between the [items] [/items] tags, you can write what you like. I don’t see any way to link to the actual content though, only the channel URL appears in the short codes. 

Guide II
  • Author
  • Guide II
  • 175 replies
  • August 3, 2023

I tried putting my codes within the items tags, just as I did for the enrollment digest (which works), but it is not displaying properly when it is sent out.  This is what I have for the list section:


[content_name] (posted in the [channel_name] channel)


...I am trying to list the name of the new content, followed by a note after it in parentheses to state which channel it is in.

When I tested yesterday, I received a copy of the email displaying the short codes as I have them typed in the notification (without the data in place of those codes), then under that is a list of new content for one channel, where the name is displaying correctly but the channel name still just shows the short code, then under that is another list for a different channel (I added new content to two channels for testing).

I’ll dig through the HTML code again to make sure I didn’t have some typo in the code. 


Hi @sjennings78, thank you for coming to community with this puzzle of yours! Did you figure out how to code those items?

Guide II
  • Author
  • Guide II
  • 175 replies
  • August 8, 2023

@elliott.vickrey - I have not been able to get it to display correctly when the email is triggered.  Here is what I have for that part of the email:


[items] [content_name] (posted in the [channel_name] channel) [/items]


I removed any links for now, to simplify it until we get the items list working correctly, but would eventually like to add it back in.


See below for what the email looks like.  The first part is what it should look like, except I expected it to show the list of new items on the channels where it’s displaying the items code.  Then, after the lighter blue footer, it appears to be showing the list (except the channel name short code is still there instead of the actual channel name), then it repeats the rest of the email contents again.



Guide II
  • Author
  • Guide II
  • 175 replies
  • August 25, 2023

If anyone is using the “Digest: new content in followed channels” notification and it is working correctly, would you be willing to share your code for it? 

I removed everything else from our notification just now except for the following, in case we had something else in the source code that was causing an issue:


<p>[content_name] (posted in the [channel_name] channel)</p>


...I’ve also tried that section without the paragraph breaks, putting it all on one line, but that didn’t work either.  I’ll see later today if just having ONLY the code listed above in the notification works correctly or not.

Guide II
  • Author
  • Guide II
  • 175 replies
  • August 25, 2023

No luck so far… with just the code listed in my prev reply, it is still not working correctly.  It listed the code out and then is followed by a line for each new content, but the channel_name short code is not working at all.  This is how the email comes through:



Novice III
  • Novice III
  • 12 replies
  • September 4, 2023

Hi there,


I think I have the same issue I use code listed in the text of the notification and/or in the link and this is how the email comes through…


Any idea?

Have a nice day.



Guide II
  • Author
  • Guide II
  • 175 replies
  • September 28, 2023

UPDATE:  I totally forgot that there’s a default template when you create a new notification (I had just been trying to edit our existing one, so I didn’t think to check this).  In that template, they have the standard [items] and [/items] tags for the list of items in the digest, but all of that is also tucked inside of [channels] and [/channels] tags.  So I think that was the part that is missing.  I kept their shortcodes section from the template and pasted it into our normal email template and it seemed to work correctly.  I have made some additional changes it it, removing some info we don’t want to include and formatting it a little differently, so we’ll see next time it triggers if it works how we want it to.

I will point this out - the code in the default template had shortcodes that were NOT in the list of available shortcodes to use on that notification, but they worked.  This included [channel_url] and [content_url], which are two of the links I was wanting to use. 

Here’s what they had in the template:

[channels] [channel_name]


[items] [content_name]

Type: [content_type]

Uploaded by: [uploader_name]

[/items] [/channels]


...which looks like this in HTML:

[channels] <a href="[channel_url]" data-mce-href="[channel_url]">[channel_name]</a><br>
    [items] <a href="[content_url]" data-mce-href="[content_url]">[content_name]</a><br>
    Type: [content_type]<br>
    Uploaded by: [uploader_name]<br>
    [/items] [/channels] 



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