Here’s what you’ll find in this Docebo Community Check-in:
The purpose of these check-ins is to round up the most important information within the community since the last check-in and to provide you with a quick overview of what you need to know.
Hi Docebo Community
As March comes to a close and we look forward to April (come on Spring ), let’s check in on all that’s been going on in the community since our last check-in! There’s a lot but I will do my best to keep it as short and sweet as possible.
Here we go!
What’s NEW in Docebo Community?
New Group | If you’re in Healthcare, we recommend you join our newly created Healthcare group. Shoutout to If you are in the UK, check out the latest discussion:
New Discussion Category | We’ve created a new Learn & Share Discussion Category, Generative AI & ChatGPT. Jump in on these discussions!
Celebrating Community Milestones
In the last check-in, I was happy to report that we made it to 4500 members but now I’m even more excited to share that in March we hit 5000 members!!! It’s really unbelievable how steady the growth of this community has been since we launched back in May 2021. And it’s not slowing down - we’re continuing to see upwards of 50 new members join every single week. I can’t wait until I can announce we hit 6000, maybe by our 2nd birthday?!

Did you know...
- we have a friendly competition every week that allows you the opportunity to grab a seat in the top 5 leaderboard? The more active you are, the more points you’ll earn. Weekly leaderboard reset happens on Sundays. Big congrats to everyone who has claimed a top spot since the last check in, especially
@rileya @IanMonk @JeanetteMcVeigh @RyanBerardi @jlreonal who grabbed a spot in the top 5 for the very first time. If you are curious as to where you sit in our all-time leaderboard, click here. Shoutout to our top 3 all-time leaders,@Bfarkas @lrnlab and@dklinger !
- we highlight questions with a Best Answer on the community homepage just above the Leaderboard? This allows the most recent questions marked with a Best Answer to be easily accessible for you. If you’ve asked a question and received the answer, please ensure you select the answer reply as
Best Answer. If you aren’t sure whether your post should be a Question or Conversation, click here for more details on each post type.
- you can follow fellow community members? If you are interested in a fellow members community contributions, simply click on their name to open their member profile and click ‘Follow Member’. You can also see a list from inside your own profile that shows who you’re following and who follows you.
Popular Topics
Here’s a look at the most popular topics created since our last check-in:
Posts Needing a Reply
Willing to help a fellow member? Check out these posts still waiting for a reply.
ICYMI Roundup
We’ve added a weekly ICYMI section to our weekly results posts (here’s the latest) so you can ensure you don’t miss a beat each week. But, for easy reference, we’re placing them in these check-ins as well so you can access them all in one place.
You’ll definitely want to check these out if you missed any of them:
News & Announcements
Product Research & Design*
*Please note: you must be a registered member of the community in order to access posts in Product Research & Design. Not a member? Click LOGIN in the top right corner!
Product Updates
New Here?
Since our last check in, we’ve welcomed 469 new members! We are so thrilled you’ve joined Docebo Community and hope that you are finding everything you are looking for.
Here’s how we recommend you begin your Docebo Community journey:
- Familiarize yourself with our important Community Guidelines
- Check out our Welcome Guide for New Members which outlines key information including:
- How to create a new post
- Detailed information on all of our available Discussion Categories
- Subscribe to any Discussion Category you are interested in (there’s no limit) as well as Product Updates, do you never miss an update.
- Ensure that your Notification settings are enabled (Profile > Settings)
We hope this community becomes a valuable resource for you and we welcome any Community Feedback you may have.
Have any questions/comments/suggestions for these community check-ins? Please let me know below