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Docebo Connect for Qualtrics

Introduction Docebo Connect is a Docebo module acting as a connector between your platform and third-party SaaS systems, helping you to integrate your platform with more than 400 third-party external systems, reducing the integration effort. Docebo Connect offers a large catalog of connectors for the most popular SaaS systems, to manage automated workflows (called recipes) shared among systems in order to exchange and share data on the basis of triggers. Please note that Docebo Connect takes advantage of the APIs and business logic already existing in the integrating systems and does not create new ones. In addition, Docebo Connect does not manage SSO flows with Identity Providers (such as SAML, OpenID Connect, etc), JavaScript integrations (such as Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager) or iframe integrations (such as Docebo OEM or Salesforce Canvas). This article describes using Docebo Connect recipes to facilitate the automatic triggering of a Qualtrics evaluation survey after a course has been completed. For more information on the definition of terms and concepts used throughout this article, please read Docebo Connect Glossary of Terms. Activating Docebo ConnectTo activate Docebo Connect on your platform or sandbox, please reach out to your Docebo account manager. Please note that depending on the integration requirements, there may be associated costs. Before you start All the recipes for this integration can be found in the project's folder. This folder should be considered a “special folder” as all the recipes contained within are subject to automatic updates. As such, any customizations you make to recipes located within the folder can be overwritten by Docebo. In order to prevent such an occurrence, it is strongly advised to create a new project folder for any recipes you wish to use in production and copy or clone the recipes from the project's folder inside. Prior to configuring and using the integration, you need to make clones of all the recipes used in this integration. For more information on how to clone and edit a cloned recipe, please see Docebo Connect usage: Copying recipes. All recipes that call another recipe will require editing, the called recipes can be found in a list inside the recipe description. The first step to take is to make a copy of all the necessary recipes used by this integration. This allows you to customize the recipes as needed without worrying about updates overwriting your changes. Whenever updates are available for pre-made recipes you will be able to choose whether to update your copy to match the original recipe or continue working with your copy. To copy your recipes simply click on the ellipsis menu in each recipe and select clone. Then drag and drop the cloned recipe to a new location within Docebo Connect. The list of recipes used by this integration can be found in the Recipes chapter. Lookup tables The integration-settings lookup table Click on the gear icon and locate Docebo Connect, then click on Manage. Next, click on the Lookup Table tab and then click on the integration-settings table. Please make sure that the table in the platform matches the table presented here, if any of the following rows are missing, please add them by typing the values in the relevant text boxes and then pressing the check mark icon to save the row. Add the following rows if not exist: Integration Key Value QUALTRICS SURVEY_URL https://<DATA_CENTER_ID> The /jfe/form/ portion of the URL is static and only the actual data center has to be updated. For example: QUALTRICS COURSE_ADDITIONAL_FIELD (Name of the course additional field. It must be created in the Docebo platform) QUALTRICS NOTIFICATION_MAIL_ID (The email address of the user to receive a notification, if any error occurs in a job) QUALTRICS MAILING_LIST_ID (Mailing List ID from Qualtrics updated by the recipe)Note: The value must not be provided manually QUALTRICS MAILING_LIST_NAME (Name in which the mailing list to be created in Qualtrics) QUALTRICS DIRECTORY_ID (Directory ID in which the mailing list and the contacts will get created)The DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_ID can be found in Account settings → Qualtrics IDs QUALTRICS SURVEY_EMAIL_FROM_NAME (From name to be displayed in the mail when the user receives the survey email) QUALTRICS SURVEY_EMAIL_FROM_ID (Mail ID to be visible to he user for the Survey email)Details to use the custom mail address can be found by pressing the following link to the Qualtrics knowledge base. The populated table will look as follows: The Qualtrics Surveys lookup table Press the Lookup Table tab of Docebo Connect to see a list of lookup tables present in your platform. In order for Docebo Connect for Qualtrics to work, a lookup table named Qualtrics Surveys needs to be found in the Lookup tables page. If this table does not exist in your platform, press the + New table button and create an emp

Using the Results comparison report

Introduction Your learning platform allows you to measure the effectiveness and to prove the impact of learning. You can enable learning measurement for a selection of courses, send evaluation questionnaires, collect responses and check easy-to read reports, all in an automated way.  This article will guide you through the use of the Results comparison report. Accessing the Results comparison report To access the Results comparison report, follow these steps:   Connect to your learning platform as a Superadmin or a Power User with the relevant permissions.  Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the platform and look for Learning evaluation. Click on the Manage sub-menu. Go to the Results comparison tab. Using the Results comparison report The Results comparison report allows you to compare the evaluation results obtained for different courses for a specific metric. You can, for example, compare the average satisfaction obtained on all your courses or establish a ranking of the instructors (called trainers in the report filters). This tool is very useful to identify your star programs and determine which ones should be improved. It’s also a great way to gather information on your partners and instructors to be able to give them feedback. When you access the Results comparison report, you will find all the filters available to you on the left side of the page. Make your selection for each of the following filters. To select multiple items, click on each of the items you want to select. You can also look for an item by typing its name in the text field. You can modify your selection by removing items in the field. Consolidation mode Start by choosing your Consolidation mode. This will determine the items that you will be ranking. For example, if you choose Trainings, you will be able to rank training courses on a selected perimeter and for a given theme or even a specific question of the questionnaire. This filter includes all custom fields that were added to your account. For example, you can rank items using User additional fields defined for your account.  (User additional fields will be displayed as Participant data in this drop-down menu and refer to learners only, not other roles).  After choosing your consolidation mode you can apply further filters to narrow down your perimeter. Trainings This is the list of courses for which you have enabled learning evaluation. Select the courses you want to include in your analysis. You can select all courses or choose a specific course.  Trainers Select the trainers (instructors) you want to include in your analysis. Start date and end date Using the calendar, select the timeframe you want to cover with your analysis. The timeframe will include: ILT/VILT sessions with an end date within this range E-learning courses when responses to the evaluation questionnaire were provided within this range Perimeter Select the entity for which you want to display the report.  This field can be useful if you have more than one entity connected to the same account. If this field is not relevant for you, simply leave the default value All entities. Training type Select the course type from the drop-down menu. Select E-learning for your e-learning courses, and select In Class/Webinar for your ILT and VILT courses. Both types are selected by default but you can remove either one of them. If you remove both types, the selection will include all course types. Analysis type The report can either be: A synthesis by theme: Each theme refers to a section of the questionnaire and might contain one or more than one question. A synthesis by question: The report will focus on a specific question of the questionnaire. Evaluation axis The evaluation axis indicates the criteria along which you want to rank the items you have selected in the Consolidation mode filter. For example, if you select Training in the Consolidation mode filter, and then select Satisfaction in the Evaluation axis filter, you will see a list of training courses with their Satisfaction score. The items found in the report are ranked in alphabetical order by default, but you can choose to rank them differently.  The options displayed in the Evaluation axis filter depend on what you have selected for the Analysis type filter. If you select Synthesis by theme, you will get a list of themes referring to sections of the questionnaire. If you select Synthesis by question, you will see all the specific questions of the questionnaire. Refer to the following chapter for more details. Exclude results with a number of learners lower than You can exclude results that are not representative of a minimum number of learners if you think they will distort the overall analysis.  Click on More Filters to display the course additional fields and the user additional fields defined on your platform (if any). These fields can be used to narrow down the report perimeter to a specific set of courses and/or a specific p

Using the Consolidated report

Introduction  Your learning platform allows you to measure the effectiveness and to prove the impact of learning. You can enable learning evaluation for a selection of courses, send evaluation questionnaires, collect responses and check easy-to read reports, all in an automated way.  This article will guide you through the use of the Consolidated report. Requirements and limitations When using Safari, if the Prevent cross-site tracking option is enabled in Preferences → Privacy, the Consolidated report will not load. Accessing the Consolidated report To access the Consolidated report, follow these steps:   Connect to your learning platform as a Superadmin or a Power User with the relevant permissions.  Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the platform and look for Learning evaluation. Click on the Manage sub-menu. Go to the Consolidated reports tab. Using the Consolidated report The Consolidated report is a great way to get a unique report for several courses, or in the case of Instructor-Led Training (ILT) courses, several sessions of the same course. Within the same report, you can capture the performance of the course at a glance.  When you access the Consolidated report, you will find all the filters available to you on the left side of the page. To select multiple items, click on each of the items you want to select. You can also look for an item by typing its name in the text field. You can modify your selection by removing items in the field. Trainings This is the list of courses for which you have enabled learning evaluation. Select the courses you want to include in your analysis. To include the sessions of a single ILT course in the report, select only this course from the Trainings drop-down menu. Trainers Select the trainers (instructors) you want to include in your analysis. Training company If your course was provided by an external training provider, you can select the provider for this section. Start date and end date Using the calendar, select the timeframe you want to cover with your analysis. The timeframe will include: ILT/VILT sessions with an end date within this range E-learning courses when the learners completed the course within the selected timeframe Perimeter Select the entity for which you want to display the report.  This field can be useful if you have more than one entity connected to the same account. If this field is not relevant for you, simply leave the default value All entities. Training type Select the course type from the drop-down menu. Select E-learning for your e-learning courses and select In Class/Webinar for your ILT and VILT courses. Both types are selected by default, but you can change the selection by removing either one of them. If you remove both types, the selection will include all course types. Click on More filters to display the course additional fields and the user additional fields defined on your platform (if any). These fields can be used to narrow down the report perimeter to a specific set of courses and/or a specific set of users. When you are done choosing your filters, click on the View analysis button to display the report. Warning: When using the Consolidated report, you might encounter an error caused by the number of learners involved in the courses. We do not recommend the use of the Consolidated report when including all courses. For better results, limit the use of the Consolidated report to one or a few courses. However, you can use the Results comparison report for broader analyses. Reading the Consolidated report The Consolidated report is made up of a report header and several parts.   The report header contains icons offering multiple options. Display comments: The open-ended comments left by the respondents are hidden by default in the Consolidated report. Click on this icon to display them. Export: Export the report raw data in a spreadsheet. Hide/Display benchmark: The benchmark color code is displayed by default Download: Download the report as PDF. Print  Scroll down to view the following pages:  Overview This part displays the average consolidated scores obtained for the different items. You can see the scores for the initial evaluation questionnaire, the follow-up evaluation questionnaire (if you have set up one) and the manager evaluation questionnaire (if you have involved managers in the evaluation process).  On top of the Overview section, you will find 3 global indices. They are calculated based on the following details:  Impact for company:  Objective achievements Actual use Impact on the quality or efficiency of the learner’s job (based on the manager’s questionnaire, if available) Perception:  Learner satisfaction from the Initial evaluation questionnaire Learner satisfaction from the Follow-up evaluation questionnaire Impact on the quality or efficiency of the learner's job  (from the learner’s questionnaire only) Global assessment: Average of the two indices Please note! Th

Enrolling users in courses and sessions using CSV files

Introduction Users can either be enrolled in courses and sessions by Superadmins, or they can self-enroll. As an option, as a Superadmin or Power User with granted permissions, you can bulk enroll users in courses and sessions of Instructor-Led Training (ILT) courses and assign instructors to sessions via CSV files, speeding up the enrollment and assignment procedures. This article will guide you through the creation of a properly formatted CSV file for this purpose.  Other articles in the knowledge base provide information on how to: enroll users in e-learning courses enroll users in Instructor-Led Training (ILT) courses manage enrollments manage self-enrollments and waiting lists Enrolling users in multiple courses and sessions using CSV files To enroll users in more than one course, or in more than one session at a time using CSV files, log in as the Superadmin, access the Admin menu by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of the platform, identify the E-learning section and click on Course management. Click on Manage enrollments in the top right corner and select Manage enrollments via CSV. A slideout Manage enrollments from CSV panel will open on the right side of the platform. Select the Enroll users option.  For a successful upload, it is important to create a CSV file properly formatted. Please see the following table for the accepted values for the session data fields. Docebo Learn data field Acceptable CSV values for the field Notes username string The list of the users to enroll, identified by their usernames. This field is mandatory. level student learner tutor instructor (for e-learning courses only) The user level in the course. Student and learner can be used interchangeably.  This field is mandatory.   course_id numeric The internal course identifier in the platform database; it is determined by the platform and cannot be modified or removed. You have to include either the course_id or the course_code in the CSV file for a successful import. course_code string Course code defined in the platform.  You have to include either the course_id or the course_code in the CSV file for a successful import. session_id numeric The internal session identifier in the platform database. It is determined by the platform and cannot be modified or removed. You have to include either the session_id or the session_code in the CSV file for a successful import. Do not include a session_id value when enrolling users in a course, and not in a session. session_code string Session code defined in the platform.  You have to include either the session_id or the session_code in the CSV file for a successful import. Do not include a session_id value when enrolling users in a course, and not in a session. active_from YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Example: 2022-12-25 00:30:45 Enrollment start of validity date. The default format of the date is UTC. This field is NOT mandatory. active_untill YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Example: 2022-12-25 00:30:45 Enrollment end of validity date. The default format of the date is UTC. This field is NOT mandatory. timezone   Expressed according to the IANA timezone database (Europe/Rome, etc…). If not specified, the default format is UTC. This field is optional and for informational purposes only. It does not impact the enrollment start or end dates. enrollment_attribute mandatory required recommended optional If the Show the Enrollment attributes option is enabled in the platform's advanced settings menu, you can configure the enrollment priority to clarify the importance of the learning plan or for learners, indicating whether it is mandatory, required, recommended, or optional. field_<id> The value depends on the type of enrollment additional field: Date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Text: string Free Text: string Dropdown: ID of the dropdown element Identifies the enrollment additional fields by their ID, if they have been configured on the platform.  This field is either optional or mandatory, depending on the configuration of each field. When the field is mandatory and requested only for a category of courses, the enrollment additional field will be imported only for enrollments in courses within that category, even if it is mapped for all courses. The enrollments of the courses belonging to other categories will be imported with no additional fields.  Click on Download the sample CSV file for an example of file formatting. Remember that the sample file always includes all of the available fields. Depending on your use case, not all the columns may be needed. When your CSV file is ready, follow the instructions provided in the Uploading the CSV file and mapping fields chapter of this article to proceed.  Once the CSV file is processed, all of the enrolled users are listed in the course Enrollments tab, where you will be able to edit the enrollment details. Enrolling users in a single course or session usin

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